Purkyňka consists of three buildings on Purkyňova Street near the Technology Park. Combined it is an area measuring more than ten thousand square meters – and that’s quite the office!

Spaces have mostly open office form, but you can find even single workrooms. How should your office look? Enter your ideal space requirements into the form below and we’ll try to find the right solution for you.

Inquiry form

The 99 building

Purkyňova 99, Brno-Královo Pole, 612 00

The building at Purkyňova 99 is an object with 6,500 m², that are currently being reconstructed. We’re offering open office spaces and also individual workspaces the size of 17 m².

The 97B building

Purkyňova 97b, Brno-Královo Pole, 612 00

The second of Purkyňka’s buildings offers modern open office spaces with a total area of 3,500 m². In addition to everyday work environment, P2 spaces can also serve as a virtual office and company headquarters. Currently housed in the 97B building is the international company Red Hat.

The 97A building

Purkyňova 97a, Brno-Královo Pole, 612 00

In addition to office space, Purkyňka 97a also consists of a doctor’s office and a entrance hall with a bakery. The entrance hall will be renovated this year.

Prohlédněte si Purkyňku

Přijměte mé pozvání na skvělou kávu a jednu z italských specialit v pekárně Sesamo na Purkyňce. Podíváme se spolu na aktuálně volné prostory a zjistíme, jestli budou vyhovovat právě vám. Zanechte mi na sebe kontaktní údaje a já se brzy ozvu:

Vaše údaje jsou u nás v bezpečí. Chceme je jen proto, abychom se vám mohli ozvat zpět. Více o zpracování osobních údajů zde.

Těším se na setkání!

Radek Fiala,
Letting manažer
+420 605 213 714

Check out Purkyňka

Accept my invitation for tasty coffee and one of the Italian specialties at the Sesamo bakery in Purkyňka. We will look together at the currently available spaces and find out if they will suit you. Leave me your contact details and I’ll get back to you soon:

Your data is safe with us. We just need them so we can get back to you. More about the processing of personal data here.

I look forward to meeting you!

Radek Fiala,
manager of Purkyňka Offices
+420 605 213 714