Purkyňka is not just offices and workrooms.
There are also parking spaces, bike room, cafeterias, restaurants, and conference rooms. We are also preparing two outdoor chill-out zones.


The Purkyňka Offices reception is available every weekday from 7:00 AM to 6:00 PM. Among other things, you can handle minor postal and administrative matters here.


There are plenty of parking spaces in the Purkyňka area for all who are based and work here. Cyclists can use the secure bike room with showers and for those who just need to rent a bike or scooter, there is a bike-sharing service nearby.

Conference rooms

In all our buildings there is plenty of space for your business activities. Our conference rooms are equipped with state-of-the-art presentation technology and some of them have a stunning view!

Virtual office

If you are looking for a headquarters for your company, but you can do without a permanent physical office, you can use the option of renting a virtual office in Purkyňka.

Are you interested? We have vacant offices

We currently have free spaces on 6 floors of building 99 in Královo Pole, Brno. We are happy to adapt the workplaces to your needs and wishes. See for yourself.


The authentic Italian bakery and café Sesamo is located in the lobby of the P3 building at 97a Purkyňova Street. They offer a range of delicacies from sweets and traditional pastries to crispy Italian pizza.


You can satisfy your hunger and thirst in one of the many establishments that surround Purkyňka. Restaurants, pubs, cafés and fast food are occasionally complemented by food trucks right next to the complex.

Sport centers nearby

Avid athletes will appreciate the many sport centers located in the vicinity of Purkyňka. Apart from the Vodova hall and the Dobrák swimming pool, there is also the university’s Centre of Sports Activities (CESA VUT), where each of the sports facilities can be rented for almost nothing.

Prohlédněte si Purkyňku

Přijměte mé pozvání na skvělou kávu a jednu z italských specialit v pekárně Sesamo na Purkyňce. Podíváme se spolu na aktuálně volné prostory a zjistíme, jestli budou vyhovovat právě vám. Zanechte mi na sebe kontaktní údaje a já se brzy ozvu:

Vaše údaje jsou u nás v bezpečí. Chceme je jen proto, abychom se vám mohli ozvat zpět. Více o zpracování osobních údajů zde.

Těším se na setkání!

Radek Fiala,
Letting manažer
+420 605 213 714

Check out Purkyňka

Accept my invitation for tasty coffee and one of the Italian specialties at the Sesamo bakery in Purkyňka. We will look together at the currently available spaces and find out if they will suit you. Leave me your contact details and I’ll get back to you soon:

Your data is safe with us. We just need them so we can get back to you. More about the processing of personal data here.

I look forward to meeting you!

Radek Fiala,
manager of Purkyňka Offices
+420 605 213 714